I thought I'd start my blogging experience here with giving first of all a sincere thanks to all my customers. It's been about 1 year since I launched my website and though I wouldn't say the results have been overwhelming, it's been a very positive experience.
Last weekend was my first experience with the Gem Faire folks and it was really a lot of fun (though my feet will be experiencing the aftermath for a while).
I had a great time meeting people, sold a few nice pieces of custom jewelry and many gemstones. A positive experience which o plan to repeat soon.
I have some new gemstones on their way back from the cutter today, and they should be fantastic. I sent over 166 grams of some brilliant red material out. If you like reds, be looking for them soon.
We're making a trip out to the mine in a couple of weeks, weather permitting. There was some hall and rain today, and that's likely to mean more snow for the mine. I'll let you know more about that as soon as I can.
Live well, buy gems and keep on being fantastic.
Brian Rose
